2011 The courage of creating

The greatest form of courage is the courage of creating. You are an artist, because you are creative. Your mind, your creativity, your soul are crammed with thousand “things”, which want to go out, to travel around the world, to do, to say. Often a sort of confusion floods over you, but carry on, do not repeat yourself. A thousand ideas crowd into your mind; try, think, do, talk, paint, go on.  (Letizia Busà)

This is a letter from an aunt in law who saw me growing up, playing football in the court, when she hung out the clothes, with all her family are an integral part of my life. Today I still live in the block of flats where I spent my childhood, and I feel so honoured to give a hand to my dear neighbours to carry their shopping bags.

the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating

the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating the courage of creating

I gave birth to these 12 paintings during the hottest days of August,
included the 14th, I preferred spent these days in company of solitude
in my creative shell: “La Casa Museo sotto l’Etna”
In these days I learnt that the Real Work is not
the work in itself, but the one which derives from the creative act.
A thousand ideas crowd my mind. and I can also stay awake,
as it has recently happened; but until the time that I find the strenght
to fulfill these ideas, I am not alone.

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