Spring in the world imprints New York Sicily Contemporary Artist

Primavera nel Mondo Impronte di Pace Manhattan Artista Contemporaneo Sicilia. (Spring in New York)

1 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
2 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
2 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
4 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
5 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
6 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
7 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
8 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
9 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
10 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
11 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
12 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
13 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
14 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
15 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
16 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
17 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
18 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
19 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist
20 spring in the world imprints new york sicily contemporary artist

One thought on “Spring in the world imprints New York Sicily Contemporary Artist

  1. Claudio Mario Andrea

    Comunicazione Indipendente @ 2007 – 01/18
    Vivere quel trentaseiesimo piano nei disegni di un sognatore che camminava nudo per le strade oniriche di quella metropoli, e che da lì, la notte parlava con la luna fino alle prime luci di quel corallo che albeggiava. (Empire State Building)


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